Pew pewLet us again consider the nature of -the power-, and how one must use it.

Bartholomew “Bart” Fatima sought -the power-. His home kingdom had been ravaged by war, his family murdered in a coup, and his own betrothed/cousin Margie had been intermittently kidnapped by an invading army. In response, Bart gathered a crew and weaponry to fight back, but his true desire was to uncover his lineage’s legendary treasure. This item was supposedly powerful beyond measure, and intended for use by the royal family when its country was in danger. But Bart had no idea where to find this gem. Coincidentally, Bart’s father had told him of a family treasure to be used in emergencies in the shed out back. But Bart never checked that out, because, ya know, the whole of his country being invaded didn’t rank as a substantial enough emergency. Really got to keep the powder kegs dry there. Even when half the population of Nisan was hiding in the very same crypt that held this unimaginable power, Bart still had not uncovered his family’s treasure…

Meanwhile, we have Marguerite Fatima, the Holy Mother of Nisan, Margie was unaware of this treasure, but when she joined Bart to uncover the secrets of the Fatima Jasper, she wasted no time. Her own dead mother’s eyes had been stolen by Geblar, and Margie wasn’t going to take any of this situation lying down. Even after being shot, she successfully scooted into the cockpit of her family’s treasure, the Omnigear, Andvari. Without knowing how to pilot such a thing, she successfully repelled enemy forces with a machine gun, and wasted no time in wielding this newfound power to protect herself. While Bart eventually commanded Andvari, it was Margie that fired the first shots, and showed everyone how -the power- could be used.

WeeeeeAnd then Bart took the reigns of royalty. And even though Nisan was in the very precarious position of having just regained its independence, Bart attempted to abdicate his responsibilities further. He wanted to make the country a republic, which is all well and noble, but he wasn’t giving up his Omnigear to some unknown council. The prince-now-king had the most powerful super weapon on the planet, and he wanted to use it to… I don’t know… go out for pizza or something. He could have immediately combined his firepower with political power to protect his nation for generations to come, but he thought the right thing to do was give half this strength over to the populace, and keep the other, more tangible half for himself.

Luckily, everybody voted to keep Bart in power anyway. And, while his reign would be brief thanks to his people being turned into sickly murder zombies shortly thereafter, at least Bart was convinced to use -the power- for good during the seven seconds he sat on the throne and was not commanding a combination airship/giant robot.

And we can safely assume Margie had everything under control in his absence…

Even Worse Streams presents Xenogears
Night 11

Original Stream Night: April 13, 2021
Night of the Chronicles of Castlevania

Random Notes on the Stream

  • We’re starting by insulting that The Last of Us Remake… hey, this was just when it was announced!
  • I did talk to Citan’s family last stream! You can watch it! Please don’t make Kishi mad by claiming I didn’t!
  • We have an airship! Now let’s talk about Castlevania Chronicles. It is the memory card icon du jour.
  • Vanderkam and terrible one-off villains are discussed until we inevitably arrive at Trigun again. And then I predict a Trigun revival. O.M.G. I am psychic.
  • Very familiarMargie was supposed to have “all kinds of sick and nasty weapons” under her cloak. We got robbed of a good character.
  • Please enjoy learning about Matteus Issachar and Final Fantasy 7.
  • Final Fantasy Ever Crisis is mentioned as a thing that exists. This also prompts a comment about the marginally more related Xenosaga: Pied Piper.
  • I point out that the intro of Xenogears is practically a tour of the Xenosaga Durandal.
  • “I have always known I am not cool.”
  • Live, on stream, I confirm I have the Xenogears demo as part of owning Parasite Eve. We’ll get back to that on the final stream!
  • How many different videogames involve your characters opening a door for a villain? The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Chrono Cross
  • Charizard is the most popular Pokémon that will always appear. Hypno? Not so much. Go make a sandwich about it.
  • I’m glad Kishi is here to immediately note any items that were clearly cut but referenced in dialogue.
  • In Japan, Margie is Maru, the best cat.
  • Get 'em, Chu!“Final Destination is a stoner movie by association.”
  • The Kiwi is the ultimate chill creature, Taz-Mania be damned.
  • A lot of people lose eyes in the war. You know… the war.
  • What if God was a slug-a-bug? We will find out eventually! Let’s close with a distinct conversation about reflecting lasers across the universe.

Next time on Xenogears: We’re gonna go ahead and shoot a hole in the sky.

This is very straightforward

2 thoughts on “Xenogears 11: The Power of the Fatima Jasper”

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