Sing along!Cuphead: Don’t Deal with the Devil is a videogame that was released last week (or so). It is, basically, a Contra/Gradius game with an extremely unique “old cartoons” art style. That’s it. That’s the game. Nothing revolutionary, nothing we haven’t seen before, just an old school, hard as heck game about the dangers of dealing with the devil (don’t do it).

And, somehow, I can’t toss a teacup without hitting another article about “what Cuphead means” or its greater sociological ramifications, or how difficult games are the gatekeepers of the industry, or whatever.

I’m sick of it. I just want to talk about how Cuphead is one of the best games, graphically and gameplay-wise, of 2017 (a year already chock full of amazing games). I want to say, “Dammit, look at this gorgeous nonsense. This is next gen. This is what I’ve wanted since I was five. This is all I need.”

So… uh… I may as well just say that.

Screw words, we’re just looking at GIFs today, because I’m going to bop back to this “article” every time I want to experience pure joy. Here are some random GIFs from Cuphead, boys and girls. Every single one is a delight.


No moral, no lesson today. Just gorgeous animation from a gorgeous game. Cuphead 4ever.

FGC #337 Cuphead: Don’t Deal with the Devil

  • System: Xbox One and Steam. This is a travesty, as Cuphead should be available on all systems going back to the Atari.
  • Number of players: Two player couch co-op. The minute I can lure one of my friends back to my lair, we are trying this one out.
  • Say something mean: When so much of this game is so obviously carefully designed, it hurts when there’s a level that seems… off. The dragon stage is fun for the first third, kind of interesting in the second, and a complete shit show during the finale. Down+Jump should not instantly drop you into a void-y death because you’re trying to duck, shoot, and then jump! Aiming in one direction while fleeing to the other should be standard! And please make something as important as “the fireballs split when shot” more obvious in the last section of an already hectic battle. Or make the homing shots actually work. One or the other, please. Yes, I know I’m probably just upset because I have bad luck with three-headed dragons.
  • So it’s a perfect game otherwise? Flawless.
  • Except: Oh, you should be able to switch weapons without waiting for the loading screens of exiting and entering a level. Getting up to the final form of a boss, and then realizing you need to “leave” to get a different weapon really kills the flow.
  • So it’s a perfect game other than those two things? Yes. I’m sticking to that this time.
  • Favorite Level: I couldn’t tell you exactly why, but the battle against the flying genie scratches some itch I didn’t even know I had. Something about every phase of that battle feels… right. And the animations are, as ever, unflinchingly gorgeous.
  • Just play the gig, man: The music is also amazing. I’m done talking about this game. I want to go play it again. Please figure out why the music is great on your own time.
  • Did you know? Does… does anyone actually play their Xbone? I beat the third world, and I was a prestigious part of… 2% of the population?


    More people should play the games they buy!

  • Would I play again: I’m playing it right now!

What’s next? Random ROB has chosen… Pilotwings Resort for the Nintendo 3DS! Come fly with me! Please look forward to it!

5 thoughts on “FGC #337 Cuphead: Don’t Deal with the Devil”

    Okay, initial venting out of the way, after the deluge of third party console exclusives* for PS4 this year (2064: Read Only Memories, Night in the Woods, Nioh, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, Undertale, Dragon Quest Heroes 2, Final Fantasy IX, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 Remix, Tales of Berisia, Yakuza Kiwami, NieR Automata, a bunch of other stuff I’m sure I’m forgetting) it’s nice to see the Xbox One getting something desirable as an exclusive.

    That said, Cuphead alone ain’t gonna sell me on an Xbone (I saw the Xbone store during my cousin’s short time with us, compared to PS4 it’s depressing), but I’d certainly buy the game if I got an Xbone as a gift, or a PC that could run it. I’m not a huge Contra-like fan, but I do like those kinds of games and Cuphead’s retraux cartoon brought to life style looks amazing.

    * I know, many of these are or were already on PC or select other platforms like the PS3 or Nintendo Switch (in Japan), but my point was they sure as hel ain’t on the Xbone.

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