BEAT got the crew to take some rad selfies, so these pictures are worth a thousand words this week.

Now go watch a video with ‘em.
Even Worse Streams Presents Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Night 3
July 23, 2024
Random Notes:
- BEAT is broadcasting, fanboymaster, Chromes, AJ Vark, Cassandralyn and I are watching. All is well.
- I don’t care about whether the sun is trying to kill anyone, it is never a good time to talk about Momma Can I Mow The Lawn? for the Gizmondo.
It is claimed that a certain Xbox Superman stream is “the audio equivalent of a strobe light”. I somehow missed that!
- Ample Vigour joins and encourages us all to look up jelking.
- BEAT glitches off into the horizon as AV describes terrifying dreams of bat-Rumpelstiltskin.
- AV is watching a Super Metroid speedrun stream. Shockingly, this leads to a bunch of nerds discussing Super Metroid.
- “It was just unimaginable to me that a man could be that bald.”
- If you are a dedicated parent, you will play “Baby Ridleys” with your children. No, Baby Ridleys are not too big.
- Edi. E is in debt to the mob because he does not realize you can reuse shoes. Now let’s talk about Kyle Travers.
- The Bomb Rush Crew wins more territory as we wonder aloud how many frames could feasibly remain to shave in Super Metroid.
- Red Head is killed by a spider-DJ-robot! I didn’t even know that was possible!
- Ed Balls.
- “You don’t want the psychic weight of someone saying they’ve been fanboy-pilled?”
- After our requisite dream sequence, we discuss the gay hunting reality show, Playing it Straight.
- And then we wrap up after proposing potential future gay television contests.
Next time on Bomb Rush Cyberfunk: All good things must come to an end (with a giant robot).

Gravity is a suggestion